Friday, June 13, 2008

Last Day (again)

So here I am. Ten in the morning and I am actually done with everything that I need to do. My shelves are all organized and my car is packed. There is a tiny pile (maybe ten sheets) of paper that need to be shred. And my check out paperwork sitting beside me. It's a far cry from the way the room looked when I got here this morning.

Yesterday, I came with this energy to get everything done. I had completed all my necessary paperwork but wanted to make sure that I organized the files for each of the students only to realize that I hadn't cleaned out those files since I started here. That process took all of my morning and part of the afternoon. I had a box that was full, and couldn't be closed, of papers that needed to be shred. By the time all that was done, it was 2:30 and I hadn't even touched my classroom. It made for a fun day.

But it did have a fun ending. We all went out for adult beverages. It was fun to sit and visit with some of the people you never really have a chance to visit with during the year. And it was especially important to go in case I don't get to come back next year.

So, I have packed up my room, again and will spend another summer interviewing for jobs I don't want, again, and waiting for the phone to ring and for Stephanee to offer me my position back with the necessary time allotment that I need in order to qualify for insurance, again. I hope to be back and I hope not to have to do this packing again next year.

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