Sunday, June 29, 2008

A novel experience

So yesterday, I had a novel experience. I went to a graduation open house. Now I have been to several of these. Some, I have attended as a friend, some as a cousin, even as a sister. But yesterday's experience was novel because I have never attended one of those as a 'teacher'. And I have to say, it was fun.

Even though the invitation was given to me, I brought my family with me. And I had to laugh because when she (the student) saw the small person with me, she immediately knew it was husband, not so much. She came up right away and asked if that was Lukin and then said, "I have heard so much about you!" And then I introduced my husband and she was like, "Nice to meet you." I thought it was funny. Obviously, we had spent more time talking about little kids during our sessions because her mom runs a daycare.

I enjoyed the experience seeing as I have never had a student who was a senior before. And I have to say that if I work in that school again next year, it will be sad to not have her around. She could always make me laugh. And I wish her the best of luck in the future.

1 comment:

A. Rae said...

I know I'VE heard so much about you.