Friday, June 20, 2008

No Day but Today

So, on Wednesday night, I took my husband to see RENT. If you have seen the play, then you understand the appeal. If you have only seen the movie, you need to see the play to understand the entire appeal. To quote the usher at the play, "the movie sucks." I agree with him. I was trying to explain that to my husband, even though he has never seen the play or the movie. In the play, the entire first act takes place in one night. In the movie, it takes place over several nights. That ruins it for me right there. It's kind of like how a book is always better than the movie. It's like that.

Anyway, for those of you who have seen it, it was awesome! It was my third time seeing the play and my first time seeing it since I became a soundtrack owner when I lived in ND. We sat in a box. That was awesome. The lady in the couple sitting next to us was seeing it for the fourth time and she and I promised to try not to sing along. Although, we both confessed during intermission that we were mouthing along. That was funny.

Anyway, that was our culture for the week. Now back to the daily grind. Have a swell weekend everyone.

1 comment:

A. Rae said...

I hate that play/musical/hot mess.