Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Random thoughts on a Wednesday

So I want to give a quick shout out to Sonny's best man, who came down to see us this weekend. Granted he wasn't even here for 24 hours, he still made the trip. We took him to a Twins game and then out for wings and beer (and Amanda there was sports on the TVs around us). It was fun. But I learned not to make bets about people who have never come to see us, coming to see us. It's like an instant incentive for them to show up and then I lose. Boo.

So last night, I was trying to do my jumping jacks and jump roping again, but my knees still hurt. Yuck.

I am ready to be done with school. Working into June is way outside my ZOF. Having gone to school up through college and then into the professional word for four years not working in June, it is hard to get out of bed in the mornings these first two weeks of June. I know, most people don't work in education and have to work all year around. But, like I said to my husband when he made a comment about that, "Whose fault is that? Not mine."

This morning I finished up the last two reports that I have to complete for the year. Thank goodness. I stared at this last one for like 10 minutes because, even though it was adequate, I felt like I didn't know what to write. My brain is ready for summer vacation. I wish I got to go on a bunch of field trips in the last seven days of school, but I don't. Itinerant staff never gets that luxury. Bummer.

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