Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flying under the radar

My ex-fiance used to tell me that I have no idea what it is like to fly all day. He told me that I had no idea the toll it took on him every day. He told me that flying makes a person tired.

While all of this may have been true, I used to roll my eyes at these comments. But now, years later, I think I finally understand.

You see, I work in an environment that is hostile, for lack of a better way to describe it. And I spend the better part of every day trying to fly under the radar. I don't think that the actual job demands are any different in this job than any other I have ever worked, I just think that the flying under the radar is what makes me so tired every day.

Why do I exert this energy in this way? Case in point: Today, I heard the principal yell, "Get in my office! Now!" It was after school hours so I didn't know who would be getting into trouble. Turns out it was a staff member. He didn't agree with a policy that was recently implemented (and I don't agree with it either) regarding the micromanagement of the Educational Assistants. During her yelling at this staff member, someone had walked by her office and heard her tell him, "I always win!"

All I can say is, an administrator who says something like that, isn't an administrator. At least not one that deserves any respect. But, it also shows why I try to fly under the radar. If you don't get noticed, you won't get yelled at over nothing.


Elmarie said...

I can so relate to this. Seems like we have the same boss!!!!

Steve said...

Wow. Finally, a blog I'm gunna follow! I too have a multi-tasking job, complete with authoritarion management and a "never say well done" one at that! Post on!

wholesale furniture said...

i used to say that when i had an hour commute to work each day that I started out with an energy meter. by the time i spent that hour commuting my energy meter was already drained by 40% and I had a full day left. if something bad happened in the morning i immediately dropped to around 3% left and didn't accomplish any work at all. it's a tough life.