Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Seven Years ago today

If you don't remember what you were doing seven years ago today, good for you.

I do.

At least, I remember what the evening was like.

And though today has been a busy day and I haven't spent much time really thinking about it, it's been there, just floating in the back of my mind. And I thought I couldn't let the anniversary go by without some kind of mention, but I can't really think of what to say.

Perhaps the only thing to say is this: It's the seven year anniversary and I still remember. There is still a lot of sadness, in me, about it. But it is what it is.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

There still is a lot of sadness for sure....it may have been 7 years ago, but I still remember every detail and still feel like it was yesterday....