Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Lukin, Parker, and work

1. Big news in our house: We now officially have a potty-trained three-year-old. This has been going on for about two weeks now, but I forget what I want to say when I get on here, so I just remembered. Yay Lukin!

2. Apparently, although I have yet to see it, Parker can now sit up on his own. I came home to see that written on the calendar for Monday, March 1st. That's pretty exciting too! But I need to see it to confirm. :)

3. Right now I am back to hating work. There was an incident over the weekend (yes over the weekend) where my supervisor came in and was rearranging and apparently felt it was okay to go through my personal materials. I am not happy with her and have not spoken to her since Monday. And honestly, I feel like it is one 'last straw' after another. I've had about as much as I can take. But, after a phone call tomorrow, that will all change (hopefully) as of March 16th. I will elaborate more when it's time to do so.

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