Tuesday, January 29, 2008


As everyone knows, I went to school in this small town of about 2000 people. Never, in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined that there were problems with gangs in my home town. Drugs? Yes. Alcohol? Yes. But gangs? No.

So, I have to confess that it throws me for a loop where we are called to an all staff meeting to discuss how to identify gang behaviors and document gang behaviors. It freaks me out a little bit. I have never really thought about it. I mean I have heard the word 'gang' before, but it strikes fear in me when we are asked to watch the behavior of certain students.

I can handle the behaviors of students, especially given the fact that one of the main reasons they are in this facility is because of behaviors. However, gang affiliation is not an accepted behavior. I don't know. I am sure that no one else would read this and be able to relate but I wanted to vent about that.

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