Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Damsel in distress much?

So, I will preface this by saying that I have never seen the entire movie, and last night was no exception, because I only saw portions, but, I don't think I like Gone With the Wind. Are you kidding me? Is the main character, Scarlett, supposed to be a victim or a self-centered character? I had a hard time knowing. Maybe because I didn't see the whole thing. But it gets to this point where I can tell it's almost over so I decide that I will sit and watch the rest of it. ARE YOU EVEN KIDDING ME?!? THAT'S HOW IT ENDS?!? I was so disappointed. If you ever took Mrs. Rusten's English classes, to me, it ranked up there with the machine gun ending. Either that or it was because the ending wasn't much of an ending. I was expecting some finality, and when it didn't happen, I went to bed annoyed. Grrr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that if you watched the whole movie you would find Scarlett to be a self-centered bitch but I still do like the movie and the book. Maybe because of the setting or it is sort of romantic, I'm not really sure why I like it so...ya...good comment...