Wednesday, February 27, 2008

School thoughts

So I tried to create an entry yesterday but apparently, the computer didn't think that my entry was interesting enough to let me save it. It wasn't interesting at all so the computer was right.

My next class is doing a pre-test on the next chapter of vocabulary words. I didn't make the test because I didn't feel I had to. I have done all the work for our Q-Comp project so far, and Helen has just coasted off what I have done. I figured that for the last unit (singular, as in I had done four chapters worth of at least 2 units each), I could let her do the work and coast off her.

For those of you that know me, that will be really hard because I don't do well with letting someone that I don't feel to be as competent as me to get things done the way I want them done. So we will see what a train wreck it is in about 10 minutes. It ought to be interesting because I am going to assume that Helen probably thinks that I did the pre-test for her. But my part of the Q-Comp is basically done, so I don't need to teach her class for her anymore. I liked doing it as a supplement to her class, but it soon became her class and she stopped doing her thing and just let me do mine. I didn't like that very much.

In other news, I kind of feel run down. I don't like the idea of having to start thinking about what I will be doing next year again pretty soon, but I will probably have to start thinking about that soon. I feel bored with my job. Maybe because I am powerless to select what I like best about my job and just get to do that. But also because I don't really have a something that I like best right now. I feel like the kids could care less, and that rubs off on me. Working in education is hard, if you were ever wondering.


A. Rae said...

Working in healthcare SUCKS, so don't do that, either.

Anonymous said...


A. Rae said...

Can I get an "Amen"?

Oh, I already did. ;)